Pri vážení pacienta:


  • Uistite sa, že váha je umiestnená v priestore, ktorý poskytuje súkromie.
  • Zabezpečte, aby váha dokázala odvážiť viac ako 200 kg
  • Zdržte sa oznamovania hmotnosti pacienta v iných ako súkromných priestoroch

Reference not found
{{getString('hcpexperience - Metric')}}
{{getString('hcpexperience - Imperial')}}
{{getString('hcpexperience - Height')}}
{{getString('hcpexperience - Centimeters')}}
invalid height
{{getString('hcpexperience - Foot')}}
{{getString('hcpexperience - Inches')}}
invalid height
{{getString('hcpexperience - Weight')}}
{{getString('hcpexperience - Kilograms')}}
invalid weight
{{getString('hcpexperience - Stones')}}
{{getString('hcpexperience - Pound')}}
invalid weight
{{getString('hcpexperience - Age')}}
{{getString('hcpexperience - Year')}}
invalid age
{{getString('hcpexperience - BMI')}}
{{getString('hcpexperience - Risk prediction')}}
{{getString('hcpexperience - Risk reductions')}}
{{getString('hcpexperience - Your patient weight')}} {{weightLossKg}} {{getString('hcpexperience - Kilograms')}}. {{weightLossLbs}} {{getString('hcpexperience - Pound')}}.
{{getString('hcpexperience - Gender')}}:

{{getString("hcpexperience - Describe your patient's medical history")}}:

{{getString('hcpexperience - Results')}}
{{getString('hcpexperience - Risk at current weight')}}
{{getString('hcpexperience - Risk with a 13% weight loss')}}

1.     NHLBI. The Practical Guide Identification, Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults. Available at: Last accessed: October 2020.


2.     WHO. Obesity: Preventing and managing the global epidemic. Available at: Last accessed: October 2020.


3.     Durrer Schutz D, Busetto L, Dicker D, et al. European Practical and Patient-Centred Guidelines for Adult Obesity Management in Primary Care. Obes Facts. 2019; 12:40–66.